
All You Can Eat Business Wisdom (Signed Edition - Softcover)
SKU: 978-1-956928-04-4

Price: $29.95

A Monday Morning Radio Anthology. This book is a rich buffet of practical advice. Readers will want to fill their plates and return for seconds.

Monday Morning Radio has a sophisticated, thoughtful approach. It tackles meaty, important topics in a captivating and entertaining fashion. Dean and Maxwell are superb.

— Gregory Zuckerman
Special Writer, The Wall Street Journal

[An author-signed first edition. Soft cover. Shipping included.]

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All You Can Eat Business Wisdom
SKU: 978-1-956928-05-1

Price: $19.95

A Monday Morning Radio Anthology. This book is a rich buffet of practical advice. Readers will want to fill their plates and return for seconds.

Monday Morning Radio has a sophisticated, thoughtful approach. It tackles meaty, important topics in a captivating and entertaining fashion. Dean and Maxwell are superb.

— Gregory Zuckerman
Special Writer, The Wall Street Journal

This is a complete, read-only* digital edition, available through ISSUU.
(*Cannot be downloaded or used on eBook readers.)

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Dedication and Service
SKU: 978-1956928037

Price: $30.00

(This is the softcover edition.)

Dedication and Service masterfully tells the story of Genesee Fire Rescue, a remarkable volunteer company located in the foothills west of Denver.

Through perpetual training, outstanding leadership, and steadfast devotion to community service, the Genesee fire force has earned its place among the top volunteer departments in the state.

This book is an inspiring testament to the enduring spirit of American volunteerism, a beacon that continues to shine in towns and cities nationwide, often with little fanfare.

For half a century, the men and women of Genesee Fire Rescue have confronted perilous situations, combating wildfires, extinguishing home and commercial blazes, aiding and evacuating residents who become ill, and attending some of the worst imaginable motor vehicle accidents, all while placing themselves in life-threatening situations.

For their efforts, the volunteers have won the immeasurable gratitude of those they serve and the priceless satisfaction of knowing that what they give of themselves genuinely matters.

Dedication and Service is a poignant celebration of the heroes next door, those ordinary yet extraordinary individuals who show up for neighbors and strangers in their times of need.

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The State of Israel: Prime Ministers (2022 Edition)
SKU: 9781542966795

Price: $18.36


Written for middle school students, The State of Israel: Prime Ministers provides a biographical overview of Israel’s 13 prime ministers -- from Ben Gurion to Bennett -- and discusses the enduring impact they’ve had on the country.

Seen through the eyes of teenage cousins, Shoshana from the United States and Rafi from Israel, they are joined by Gadi the Camel, a humorous and insightful narrator who graces the book with his unique commentary on Israeli history, culture, and accomplishments.

The State of Israel: Prime Ministers is the first book of its kind targeted to students living outside of Israel. It is a perfect resource for teachers and parents wishing to instill in children an appreciation for the Jewish state and its legendary leaders.


Price includes sales tax and shipping. (U.S. Only). For customer service, please phone 800-TJFR-659 (853-7659)

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September Twelfth
SKU: 9781734484175

Price: $42.95


This is the hardcover edition. Also available in softcover.

Price includes sales tax and shipping. (U.S. Only)

September Twelfth: An American Comeback Story is an inspiring book that reflects the indomitable spirit of America and Americans.

On September 11, 2001, The Wall Street Journal's main newsroom - located just across the street from the World Trade Center - was obliterated by falling debris and flaming smoke

This is the true story of how the traumatized men and women of the Journal and Dow Jones - journalists, graphic designers, technicians, administrative assistants, compositors, and delivery truck drivers - overcame their personal anguish and confusion to publish a Pulitzer Prize-winning edition on September 12th.


For customer service, please phone: 800-TJFR-659 (853-7659)

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September Twelfth
SKU: 9781734484175

Price: $34.95

(This is the softcover edition. Also available in hardcover )

Price includes sales tax and shipping (U.S. Only)

September Twelfth: An American Comeback Story is an inspiring book that reflects the indomitable spirit of America and Americans.

On September 11, 2001, The Wall Street Journal's main newsroom - located just across the street from the World Trade Center - was obliterated by falling debris and flaming smoke. 

This is the true story of how the traumatized men and women of the Journal and Dow Jones - journalists, graphic designers, technicians, administrative assistants, compositors, and delivery truck drivers - overcame their personal anguish and confusion to publish a Pulitzer Prize-winning edition on September 12th.

For customer service, please phone: 800-TJFR-659 (853-7659)

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All You Can Eat Business Wisdom
SKU: 978-1-956928-05-1

Price: $19.95
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El niño que respondió al llamado del Kilimanyaro: Las aventuras de Riyaz [Spanish]
SKU: 9798628744895

Price: $18.00
Basado en la historia real de un niño tanzano que se embarca en una aventura, caminando con dos amigos a más de 450 kilómetros de Dar es Salaam al monte Kilimanjaro. En el camino, utiliza sus instintos de supervivencia y aprende algunas lecciones valiosas sobre la fijación de objetivos, la familia y los amigos.

Based on the true story of a Tanzanian boy who sets out on an adventure, walking with two friends more than 450 kilometers from Dar es Salaam to Mt. Kilimanjaro. Along the way he uses his survival instincts, and learns some valuable lessons about goal-setting, family, and friends.


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Les Aventures de Riyaz : Le Garcon Qui Repondit a L'appel du Kilimandjaro [French]
SKU: 9798706199425

Price: $18.00

Chaque jour, un garçon de 9 ans nommé Riyaz, regardait par la fenêtre de son école à Dar es Salaam, en Tanzanie, pendant que le Mont Kilimandjaro, le géant toujours présent à l'horizon, l’invitait à venir le découvrir. Ce récit est basé sur l'histoire vraie d'un garçon tanzanien qui part à l'aventure avec deux camarades d'école. Ils ont parcouru plus de 600 kilomètres de Dar es Salaam au Mont Kilimandjaro. Le voyage facile d’un jour que Riyaz et ses amis avaient imaginé – aller et retour à temps pour l’heure du dîner – s’est transformé en une odyssée de six jours, durant laquelle Riyaz a dû avoir recours à tous ses instincts de survie pour surmonter des défis imprévus et des dangers cachés. En cours de route, Riyaz a appris plusieurs leçons précieuses sur l'établissement d’objectifs, l'intégrité, la famille, et les amis.

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Mvulana Aliyeitikia Mwaliko wa Kilimanjaro: Visa vya Riyaz: Simulizi kutokana na hadithi ya kweli [Swahili]
SKU: 979-8628744895

Price: $18.00
Kulingana na hadithi ya kweli ya kijana wa Kitanzania anayeanza safari, akitembea na marafiki zake zaidi ya kilomita 450 kutoka Dar es Salaam hadi Mt. Kilimanjaro. Njiani anatumia hisia zake za kuishi, na anajifunza masomo muhimu juu ya kuweka malengo, familia, na marafiki.

Based on the true story of a Tanzanian boy who sets out on an adventure, walking with two friends more than 450 kilometers from Dar es Salaam to Mt. Kilimanjaro. Along the way he uses his survival instincts, and learns some valuable lessons about goal-setting, family, and friends.

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Perfectly Ordinary, Yet Extraordinary: Making a Meaningful Difference in the Lives of Others
SKU: 978-1660156498

Price: $29.95
Wish you could make a meaningful difference in the world, but think you don’t have the time, money, or connections to succeed? Margaret and Riyaz Adat, two perfectly ordinary individuals, share the lessons of their own homegrown charitable project to rescue a woebegone school in faraway Arusha, Tanzania. Read their inspiring tale, and who knows what “miracles” you will be able to achieve?
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The Boy Who Answered the Call of Kilimanjaro: The Adventures of Riyaz
SKU: 979-8628744895

Price: $18.00
Join Riyaz, an inquisitive 9-year-old boy attending boarding school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as he and two schoolmates set out on a 600-mile roundtrip adventure to Mt. Kilimanjaro and back. Along the journey, fraught with peril, Riyaz acquires valuable lessons about goal-setting, integrity, family, and friends. Based on a true story.
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The Story Behind the Smiles
SKU: 978-1706466093

Price: $9.95
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a portrait of a smiling individual or group is worth so much more. “The Story Behind the Smiles” is a charming collection of photographs captured by award-winning photographer Avital Rotbart. Along with an uplifting behind-the-scenes commentary, this first volume in a series is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
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瑞亚兹的冒险 :乞力马扎罗山的呼唤 (Mandarin Simple)
SKU: 978-1-7344841-6-8

Price: $18.00
险,瑞亚兹学会了很多东西,包括如何订立目标, 如何成为一个正直的人, 如何与朋友和家人
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瑞亞茲的冒險 :乞力馬扎羅山的呼喚 (Mandarin Traditional)
SKU: 978-1-7344841-5-1

Price: $18.00
險,瑞亞茲學會了很多東西,包括如何訂立目標, 如何成為一個正直的人, 如何與朋友和家人
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리야즈의 모험 - 킬리만자로산의 부름에 답한 소년 [Korean]
SKU: 979-8628744895

Price: $18.00
탄자니아 다르에스살람에서 학교에 다니는 아홉 살 리야즈는 학교 창밖으로 보이는,
지평선 멀리에서 자신을 부르는 킬리만자로산을 매일같이 바라보았다. 킬리만자로산으로
가기 위해 다르에스살람에서 960킬로미터가 넘는 거리를 걸어간 소년과 두 친구의
모험은 한 탄자니아 소년이 겪은 실화를 바탕으로 한다. 리야즈와 두 친구가 아침에 떠나
저녁 식사 전에 돌아오는 하루짜리 여정이라고 생각했던 여행은 장장 6일에 걸친
대모험으로 뒤바뀐다. 예상치 못한 돌발상황과 사방에 도사린 위험을 이겨내기 위해
생존본능에 의지했던 리야즈. 킬리만자로산으로의 여정 동안 리야즈는 목표 세우기와
진실함, 가족, 친구에 대해 깨달음을 얻는 소중한 경험을 쌓는다.
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